As an ambassador through BNI Embarcadero, my weekly referral group, I often address chapters on the best ways to network through word-of-mouth networking. I’ve summed up my thoughts in an article in the August 2009 issue of Referral Success Magazine entitled “39 Ways To Increase Your Referrals and Grow Your Chapter.” You can view it online, free.
Overall, these are the 10 most important ways you can improve your referrals:
1. Show up to BNI every week
2. Givers Gain — give referrals to get referrals
3. Listen to everyone’s infomercial because members should be specific in the referrals they’re requesting
4. Have a personalized Website — be the master of your own domain
5. Visit other chapters whenever possible, especially on Visitor’s Days
6. Sub at other chapters to line up reciprocal subs for yourself
7. Have more one-on-one dance cards
8. Step up to leadership
9. Take your MSP Training ASAP
10. And be active in your power group.
View the PowerPoint Presentation:
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